ORIGIN: San Diego
Genre: Indie Dance Punk
Years Active:2014-Present
From Southern California, Foreign Suns formed in 2014 as a duo of guitar and drums. These boys are in it for the long haul. They released their first album “Transients” in 2015 followed by the second album “Shadow Music” in 2018. Now with years of experience under their belt writing and producing their songs in garages and mixing in bedrooms while pushing they’re creative boundaries they have completed they’re latest collection of music “Come in Closer” soon to be released November 11th 2024.
At a live show you’ll hear layered rhythmic guitar loops backed by foot stomping drum beats and topped with gritty vocals, Foreign Suns feel more like a four piece band than a two man show. With fast tempo, energetic dance/punk tracks they can turn any crowd of strangers into vibrating fans.
But don’t be fooled by this dance-until-you-sweat energy, they’ll pull at your heart string too and slow you down into melodic sway. Foreign Suns brings a dynamic performance full of ups and downs. You'll be thrashing around in the crowd, singing along with the chaos, and in the next instant your heart will ache to the beat of a nostalgic melody you wish you’d heard sooner. They give meaning to mayhem and will have you bouncing off the walls, feeling your feels, and dancing your heart out. Regardless of your genre bias these guys put on a show that will leave you eager for the next.
Red Sunset Video